Mountain Bike Strength And conditioning

Strength Speed Power Agility MobilitY ENDURANCE

Hi, my name is Laura. I’ve been a strength and conditioning coach for ten years, and an endurance athlete for longer. I love off-road triathlons and weightlifting. You can read more about me here. I created MTBSC because training off the bike is a necessity for mountain bikers who want to increase both sport-specific performance and longevity - but they don’t always know what to do, or how to do it. And even when riders do have it figured out, it can be demoralizing to hit the gym solo.

So, I’ve put it all here for you: exercises to increase performance, fill in the movement gaps that biking doesn’t cover, and prevent injuries - all in a community-based setting. If you want to improve your bike handling, hill climbs, reaction time, and ability to hold body position on long downhill runs, this is your program.

This is Cole, Austin, Matt, and Alex. They can ride like this (above) because they train like that (below).

What can I expect out of a session?

60 minutes including: About 10 minutes of mobility and stability, 20 minutes of power, strength and/or accessory work, 15-25 minutes of aerobic/work capacity and 5 minutes of cool down. Exact ratios will vary by session and point in training phrase.

We will focus on both unilateral and bilateral strength in all planes of movement (side to side, front to back, rotational), using bodyweight resistance, barbells, dumbbells, kettlebells, bands, rowers, ski ergs, boxes and sleds. We will push, pull, squat, hinge, lunge, rotate, sprint and jump. ALL movements are modifiable at any time due to injury, restriction or otherwise.


Upcoming Sessions:

It’s race season! No summer sessions currently scheduled - please check back in the fall.

Online Program coming soon.

Email to sign up.


In person at CrossFit Catonsville and Industry Athletics.


Drop-In: $23 per session

8 Sessions: $160 ($20/session)

12 Sessions: $204 ($17/session)

Student Discount: Email me at

This winter-through-spring cycle is focused on building a base in the preseason to get you ready for racing, weekend warrior-ing, or just getting back on the bike once the weather gets better.

I am currently working to get the most popular days and times on the calendar for this season. If you have any suggestions, questions, or want to reserve your spot for a session, please email me at