Training Programs and Templates

Swing, Squat, Sweat

8 Week, 24-Workout, Full Body Kettlebell Program You Can Do At Home

Designed to be scalable for all levels of experience

What You’ll Need:

  1. (at least) 1 Kettlebell* + 1 Exercise mat +  1 Sturdy Chair, Bench or Couch

  2. About 45-60 minutes, 3x/ week for 8 weeks  OR  2x/ week for 12 weeks

  3. That’s it

What It Involves:

A Days: 8 Strength Workouts 

B Days: 8 Circuit Workouts 

C Days: 8 Conditioning Workouts

Includes: Warm up for each workout, hyperlinked video demos for each exercise

What You’ll Develop:

Strength, Flexibility, Power, Aerobic Capacity, Technical Skills

8 Week Core/Accessory Program

Created to reinforce the primary function of the trunk, which is to say: stabilization against forces of flexion, extension and rotation. (In other words: Not a crunch in sight.) I also threw in some incidental shoulder, hip and hamstring accessory work to address common weaknesses (#efficiency). Includes modifications and progressions for applicability to advanced and beginner athletes.

Create-Your-Own Workout Guide: General Template

Walking in to the gym and don’t know where to start? This work-in-progress document is intended as a guideline for just that - a generalized approach to creating your own well-rounded exercise program. It does not take into account individualized mobility restrictions or physician-provided contraindications due to injury, so please use common sense and consult with your doctor and physical therapist before beginning an exercise program.

Note 1: While I have included links to instructional YouTube videos for most exercises, I recommend that beginners seek technical instruction from a qualified coach or trainer in order to get the most out of their exercise and provide a foundation of strong movement mechanics. I believe that the purpose of a trainer should not be to create a sense of dependency for their clients, but help them to develop confidence and competence in the weight room.

Note 2: While exercises may be performed as supersets or circuits (thus having the bonus effect of raising your heart rate and getting some cardio in), this is intended as a strength-focused approach and does not include aerobic capacity or energy system work. Stay tuned for a conditioning-focused article or template soon!