People, Books, Websites and Podcasts I Love

A non-exhaustive list of industry professionals to whom I am eternally grateful for unknowingly serving as invaluable mentors from near and far, along with their associated publications.

People in Strength and Conditioning

Tony Gentilcore

For when you want an air-tight overview of deadlift form interlaced with movie references.

Eric Cressey

The epitome of specialization gone right with an unreal ability to churn out as much high quality content as elite athleticism, Cressey Sports Performance is THE resource for elite baseball strength and conditioning - but also, everything else. Because he’s Eric Cressey.

Meghan Callaway

The most creative lumbo pelvic stability exercises you will ever see in your life.

Joel Jamieson

Wrote one of my favorite articles from my first year as a trainer that I still reference to this day on why LSD (no, not that kind of LSD - Long Slow Distance training a.k.a. the HIIT addict’s worst nightmare) is NOT useless!

Mike Reinold

The athlete’s physical therapist.

Mike Boyle

Everyone’s favorite O.G. strength and conditioning coach! My favorite thing about Mike Boyle and his untouchable status is his ability to tell the world that sports specific training, is largely bullshit - and no one can tell him he’s wrong (cause he’s not).

Mike Robertson

If I could snap my fingers to magically become a fly on the wall at any gym in America for the purpose of observing the best coaching for athletic performance, it would be Cressey Sports Performance or Robertson Training Systems (fine, yes, there are so many possible options but these two are amazing!).

Dr. John Rusin

You won’t believe me if I tell you about any of the exercises he puts his athletes through (think: the male version of Meghan Callaway), so do yourself a favor and go to his Instagram. Dr. John Rusin’s believe it or not.

Artemis Scantalides

#kettlebellqueen #ironmaiden #badasswoman

Bret Contreras

Doesn’t need an intoduction but just in case you’re not privy to the popularity of butts these days: He’s the inventor of the Hip Thruster, owner of the Glute Lab, the one and only Glute Guy.

The Prehab Guys

Online physical therapy for all of your prehab needs! Every mini band exercise you never knew you needed, plus so much more. These guys are incredible.

Ben Bruno

Perhaps most well known as the trainer of celebrities like Chelsea Handler and Kate Upton, Ben Bruno is also a hilarious source of entertainment and renowned hater of burpees (the lazy type, that is). Follow him for laughs, if not exercise inspiration.

Dean Somerset

Master of small talk, co-creater of the Hip and Shoulder Blueprint (along with Tony Gentilcore), inspiration to all trainers who started at a globo gym, and all around smart dude who doesn’t care to hide the fact that he’s a meathead through and through.

Girls Gone Strong

There’s a reason why twelve out of the first fourteen strength coaches that came to mind while writing this list are men. I’ve always accepted that as the norm without putting any thought into it, because patriarchy. Girls Gone Strong aims to change that. If you’re into fitness but haven’t heard of Molly Galbraith, Jen Comas and the rest of the crew yet, it’s time to come out from under your rock. Their mission is to holistically represent and support women in their health and fitness goals while providing others educational resources and credentialing by which to do the same (my words, not theirs) - and they do it so well.

People in Nutrition

The Sassy Dietitian

If you want remote nutrition coaching from an RD, MBA, CSSD (board certified specialist in sports dietetics) and fellow food lover who happens to be responsible for the creation of 90% of recipes I’ve ever actually cooked in my life… Go. See. Sass.

Eleat Nutrition

If you are looking for somewhere to read up on the latest no-nonsense knowledge in sports dietetics written by a credentialed exercise physiologist, trainer and dietitian, Angie’s website is a fantastic and detail-oriented resource.


This is Joy and Claire (Previously: Girls Gone WOD)

These girls provide weekly doses of hope and happiness. Thank you, Joy and Claire, for a 99% decrease in driving dissatisfaction with inversely correlated laughter while in commute. (Leaving the 1% until they make traffic and unrealistic body standards disappear. )

Brute Strength

I’m starting to get the feeling that everyone who’s anyone in the broad realm of being a happier, healthier and more productive human has been on Michael Cazayoux’s podcast, from fitness and nutrition to relationship building, entrepreneurship and everything in between. I thoroughly enjoy Michael’s style of interview - seeing as he always does his research prior to bringing a guest onto the show, each podcast feels like an hour well spent.

The Physical Preparation Podcast

If you are looking to hear words of advice from a coach whose expertise is years in the making while working with some of the best in the industry, this is a good place to start.

Books and Articles

Conscious Coaching by Brett Bartholomew

Essentials of Strength Training and Conditioning Developed by the NSCA (now on its fourth edition)

Any and all texts by Stuart McGill (obviously)